Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And if I die before I wake...

I was rummaging around on the internet today, bored while waiting for dinner, and came across this quote: "The worst mistake you can make is to think you're alive when you're really asleep in life's waiting room." - Waking Life (2001). It really stuck out to me and got me thinking about all of the things I've achieved in my short albeit crazy life and all of the things I want do in my lifetime. I have compiled a list of 25 things (in no particular order) I must do before I die:
1. Clone myself
2. Live in Europe, preferably in Paris so I can visit all of my cousins on a daily basis
3. Go cage diving in an exotic location with Great White Sharks
4. Publish a novel
5. Go to law school and get my degree in entertainment law (p.s. countdown to LSATs: 2 months!)
6. Open up a club in New York City, although my real dream would be to reopen Studio 54 or at least a club in 54's space so I can finished what my dad started
7. Launch my clothing website because the idea is really rad
8. Go to the Super Bowl when The Jets are playing (AND THEY WILL! DON'T TALK SHIT)
9. Have my lawyer write up a rock-solid prenup for whatever idiot gets conned into marrying me
10. Have Giambattista Valli create a shoe and name it after me, like he did for Victoria Beckham, lucky bitch
11. Have a guest spot on my favorite show, Weeds, preferably as the girlfriend of Silas, but I'm okay with playing a drug dealer, too
12. Compile a book of my Nana's recipes, because trust me, you haven't eaten until you've devoured her sauce and meatballs
13. Open up another club in Paris or St. Tropez because my club in New York is doing just oh so well!
14. Make someone's day, like for real though
15. Create a beer aimed at the ladies because there is nothing more annoying in life than a girl who proclaims that she "just doesn't drink beer, it's gross"
16. Learn to let go and be more personal and open with people I can trust
17. Trek across Japan and see how it's done over there
18. Marry Hugh Laurie but make him ditch his real self in favor of his American accent and pill popping persona of Dr. House
19. Find a way to go back in time so I can film what going to a private school in New York City's really like in order to tell Bravo and NYC Prep to shove it up their asses
20. Learn to DJ and spin with the best of the best
21. Get another tattoo, maybe of a favorite quote, or the music bar & notes of my favorite song
22. Find the balls to tell people how I really feel about them. I'm emotionally retarded only when it comes to good feelings
23. Own a Porsche Cayman in pearl white
24. Find a way to block off all bridges and tunnels from Westchester, Long Island, Staten Island, and New Jersey, into the city every Thursday night-Sunday morning so all guidos and wannabe guidos and trash can STOP invading my luxurious nightlife! Stay in Perth Amboy or party at Hofstra, for Christsake!
25. Adopt a baby pitbull and name her Smurf
Brief list and maybe I'll add it to at some point. Btw, I'm really serious about #1, #24 and #18!
Bisous, bisous,
little monster

A bite out of The Big Apple

I am back from my last day at the beach in Corsica and am really starting to miss New York City! I will be home late Thursday night, but until then, I am posting some pictures I took a few weeks ago of my lovely city!

New York is never complete without pigeons! Haha
little monster

Monday, July 27, 2009

There is no "I" in team.

At our daily 3 hour dinner last night whilst in Corsica, I was told that my two present cousins, Bernard et Marie-Christine, just celebrated their forty-sixth anniversary! 46th! Shocked, I then asked my Great-Aunt, Ta Ta Mauricette, how long she had been with her husband before he passed a few years back. "A month shy of fifty years," she told me. My Grandma then said that had my Poppy Jack not passed the year I was born, they would have been together for—wait for it...sixty-six years! I almost chocked on my vin rouge. YES, my grandma was just seventeen when she married and they had made it all the way through. Unfathomable! My sister remarked that she wants to marry someone for the rest of her life, too (I mean, it's not like anyone goes into a marriage saying "Okay, for the next 4.5 years, you're mine, then adios!" but I digress). Me? Not so much. I mean, sure, maybe a "life partner," whatever that truly means. But I never saw myself walking down the aisle. I want a kid, maaaaybe two, but not really a husband. Men are just too much trouble, if you ask me. I really cannot envision myself in forty years with the same dude. I can't even stay with someone more than a few months if it's really committed, without going crazy. I always seem to lose myself when I've been in serious relationships for some reason. Maybe it's the men that I've chosen to date, maybe not, but I want to be me with a man, not who he thinks I am. So, in light of this, I have decided to create a list of things I love about being single versus being attached.
Wild & Free:
the ability to go from guy to guy to guy to...hah!, going out with the girls whenever I want, getting to hang out with the guys all of the time without having someone complain that I have "too many men in my life," dressing up to get the attention of the entire club, being myself and not having to change for somebody, not having to deal with his family and inevitably, his sure to be crazy mother!, acting like a total girl while waiting for his call and then having too much fun picking out the perfect outfit for date night...
Significant Other:
having somebody to curl up with on a rainy sunday, having a constant dinner companion, not having to shave my legs everyday, knowing he will be there no matter what the situation is, taking a quick romantic getaway or vacation in a luxurious suite...
There are obviously pros and cons of the single life and being in a relationship, but for now I'm really so happy to not have anybody to answer to. I've had to do that two too many times in my young life and I'm so over it! In 65 years, I'd rather be toasting to me and all of the lucky bastards I've met along the way :)
bisous, bisous!
little monster

Photos from Corsica

Here are some lovely photos from my vacation so far in Corsica so you all can get an idea of the amazingness that I've had to deal with! More will come after my vacay ends, but here is just a snippet:

My sister, Justine & I at discotheque Acapulco:
Justine & two of my cousins hopping on the Catamaran in Ile Rousse:
Flirting with our waiter at Acapulco who was dressed as Superman:
The gorgeous sea and the private beach in Calvi:
The view I have every day as we drive down the mountain to town:
Sightseeing with the cousins at the marina in Calvi:
My petit cousin, Alexandre et moi out for drinks:
As you can see, life is rough in Corsica :)
little monster

bonjour from Corsica!

So now that I got that little introduction (below) out of the way, it's time to get to the juicy stuff! I am currently in Corsica, a smallish island off the coast of Nice (South of France), that closely resembles paradise. I have already been here for about fourteen days and I must say, if any of you have the opportunity to come visit, please do! Having spent way too many months summering all over France, I was expecting that it would be like rest of this beautiful country. WRONG! After taking a quick 45-min flight from Nice International Airport into Calvi, Corse, we enjoyed a 20-min ride to my cousin's house in Ile Rousse. The long, windy road has only been paved for about 10 or so years and most of what you see are rustic, beautiful homes, small cars zipping past you, a few night clubs (I mean, we are in France people), and the clearest and most blue water you'll ever see in your life surrounding the coast. And I've done the Caribbean, South America, blah, blah - there is nothing like these views because Corsica is entirely mountainous surrounded by the gorgeous Mediterranean. It's the absolute best of both worlds in one! While here, you might enjoy any number of small beaches lining the coast. There is one touristy beach per town, but who wants to sunbathe with icky tourists? No, thanks. Luckily, there are less-populated beaches filled with little shacks to rent kayaks (after a full hour I thought my arms were broken), catamarans, and jet skis (probably my all-time favorite water hobby). The water is completely clear so grab your snorkels and dive into the warm water to look for exotic fish and vegetation! Even better, trek past the boat marina to the private beach where only the best of the Corsican's spend their days topless. After a long, hot day at the beach, make your way into town for a café au lait or un Coca and a plate of frites to hold you off until your late-night dinner. At night, drive back into Calvi and spend the night dirty dancing in one of Corsica's hottest (and sexiest) nightclubs, called Acapulco! Lots of young French and Italian men do their prowling here while some of the biggest dj's (Eric Morillo, Bob Sinclar) spin, so ladies, you will never have to buy a drink! The club comes equipped with at least half a dozen bars, two floors, and a pool to occupy your time while you flirt with your inevitably good looking waiter. When I return to the states in 5 days I will put up photos so you can see for yourself what a luxurious place Corsica is to vacation.
Bisous, bisous!
little monster



I am constantly writing down this Latin phrase wherever I am: with a sharpie on a bench, scratched into a desk my school's library, printed on a slip of paper taped to my computer... I do this because it has become a very important mantra in my life. So much that I'm contemplating getting it etched on my rib cage as my new tattoo! What's that saying? "Shoot towards the sky and aim for the stars"? Something like that, anyway. I use this for daily inspiration, especially when I am feeling particularly creative. I am always striving to do something—anything—different and beyond the norm. Thus…my "trip to the stars." Here, you will find thoughts on anything that might cross my mind: recipes, the newest nightclub reviews (my opinion can be trusted, mind you!), news articles, tips, stories, photos, or even trends and where to shop in various cities that I might be in! Enjoy.
little monster.